faq investors

  • What exactly am I investing in?

    By investing now, you acquire shares in Initium Watches Holding SA, which owns 100% of Initium Creawatch Sàrl. The Holding company will also own 100% of Initium Watches SA once it has been created. Initium Creawatch Sàrl has been offering watchmaking initiations since 2015, currently in three workshops. Initium Watches SA will be created in early 2021 and will manage online sales of kits and watches. Initium Watches Holding SA already owns 100% of Initium Creawatch Sàrl and will hold 100% of Initium Watches SA. It will also invest in other companies. This means you’re investing in our existing workshops, our online offerings and any future development of the company.

  • Why do we sell shares in this way (crowdinvesting) to finance the company's future projects?

    We’ve chosen this concept because we’re keen to include both neophytes and watchmaking enthusiasts in our exciting adventure. Thanks to the enthusiasm of our valued investors, whom we call Initiators, we have made our flagship projects a reality, such as our watch kit that allows you to assemble your watch at home, our new range of components produced within fifty kilometres of our headquarters, and our new website with the 3D configurator.

  • Why invest now?

    Our shares increase in value as we grow. Initially, a share was sold at CHF 80 cts/share. Today, it stands at CHF 1.40. If you believe in our development project and want to play your part in making it a reality, then invest while the share price is still low!

  • Why did you opt for a holding company structure?

    This type of company is best suited to holding a portfolio of companies. In fact, we intend to acquire a stake (a priori between 10% and 20%) in other startups in the watchmaking sector or in a field offering synergies with Initium. Today, we have already signed an initial agreement to acquire 20% of the company described below:

    • A 100% digital start-up based in the USA offering an online service for watch enthusiasts. We are working on a monetization strategy for this platform, whose customer database – all owners of at least one mechanical watch – already exceeds 100,000 registered users. The name of the company will be announced once the agreement has been formalized.

    We invest in promising projects by bringing them skills and resources. The aim is to diversify the Holding’s portfolio, generate synergies and economies of scale, and expand Initium’s network and reputation in the watchmaking world. And who knows, maybe we’ll invest in a company that becomes very profitable in the future, or gets bought out by a major group!

  • Is the aim of this development to be acquired by a major group?

    Our aim over the next three years is to develop Initium Holding as much as possible and, ultimately, to thank our investors by starting to pay them dividends or enabling them to realize a substantial capital gain if they wish to resell their shares. If an attractive takeover proposal comes along, we’ll be sure to give it careful consideration!

  • Who owns the majority of the company's shares?

    The co-founders now own almost all the shares in the company. These shares will be progressively diluted as new shareholders invest in the company.

  • Do I get paid if I find new shareholders?

    Yes, it’s one of the great strengths of our participatory financing system. The more new shareholders you find, the more shares you gain in the company! You earn 5% of the number of shares of each person you refer.

  • As a shareholder, do I benefit from preferential prices on Initium workshops and products?

    Yes, here’s how you benefit: From 1,000 shares

    • 10% discount on all Initium offers and products, except for the purchase of shares in the company From 10,000 shares
    • 20% discount on all Initium products and offers, with the exception of company shares.
  • As a shareholder of Initium Watches Holding SA, do I have voting rights?

    Yes, your voting rights are proportional to the number of shares you own. If you own 100 shares, your vote counts as 100 votes. At the annual shareholders’ meeting, which will be held in Switzerland and/or via a video-conferencing system, the Board of Directors will share a wealth of information and submit proposals to the shareholders’ vote.

  • Can I expect dividends?

    Yes. As our strategy is to promote rapid growth, we can expect to start paying dividends as early as 2023. In fact, Initium Creawatch Sàrl is already over six years old, and we’re making steady sales and turnover thanks to our two workshops and our Kairos kit.

  • How many shares are issued and at what par value?

    10 million shares with a par value of 1 cent each were issued when Initium Watches Holding SA was founded. The par value of a share does not reflect its market value, i.e. the price at which it can be bought or sold. We never refer to the “Initium share price”, as Initium Watches Holding SA is not a listed company, but to its actual market selling price as defined by the company itself. Shares issued for sale to the public are the result of an authorized capital increase. We have submitted an authorized capital increase of 5 million shares over two years. It is therefore possible that in two years’ time, there will be 12 million shares in the company, for example (the basic 10 million + 2 million issued during the 2 years).

  • What are the advantages of a capital increase?

    This enables us to pay tax-free dividends – normally around 40% in Switzerland – until we have reached an amount equivalent to the funds raised from investors (and therefore from you). Let’s look at an example: if we raise a million during our crowdinvesting campaign, then over the years we’ll be able to pay out up to a million in after-tax dividends to shareholders. Above this amount, they will be taxed as normal.

  • Will the value of my shares be diluted as new shareholders join the company?

    Their value, no. The entry of new shareholders is positive, as it means that we are successful and that the company’s market value is increasing. On the other hand, the percentage of your shares in the company is effectively diluted as we issue new shares. Note that co-founders are diluted in the same proportions as you, since there is only one type of share. (See “Who owns the majority of the company’s shares?”)

  • In practice, however, this dilution will be tightly controlled. Let's look at the following example:

    If we issue one million new shares, the number of your shares will have been diluted by 10%, but the company will have benefited from a capital contribution of CHF 1 million in cash (with a share price of CHF 1.-/share for the example), which means that its market value will have increased considerably. As we increase the selling price of the share over time, a second issue, of 1 million shares to use the same example, will bring in even more capital than the first, and so on!

  • When and how can I sell my shares?

    Our shareholder agreement stipulates that you may not resell your shares before June 30, 2022. We wanted to do this to encourage the company’s rapid growth. And for that, we need our network of investors to grow. After this date, if you have a buyer, simply send us an e-mail requesting the buyer’s identity, the number of shares and the price at which you wish to sell them. Eventually, we’ll certainly set up a platform to facilitate these exchanges.

  • Is there a right of first refusal if I want to sell my shares?

    Yes. As specified in the company’s articles of association, you have a right of first refusal when you wish to sell shares. When we receive your transfer request, the company or the co-founders may or may not exercise their right of first refusal to buy the shares you wish to sell, at the price to which your buyer had agreed.

  • Is the aim of this development to be bought out?

    Our aim over the next few years is to develop Initium Watches Holding SA as much as possible. That said, should an attractive buyback proposal arise at some point in the future, we will of course give it careful consideration! Considering, of course, the general interest of all shareholders, since there is only one type of share.

  • What will happen to my shares if the company is sold?

    The company’s Articles of Association stipulate that if we, the co-founders, decide to sell the entire company (100% of the shares), we undertake that you will receive at least an amount equivalent to the price at which you purchased your shares. This measure is designed to protect investors who bought shares shortly before the company was sold. It goes without saying that the earlier you buy, the greater the capital gain in relation to the sale price!

  • Is investing in Initium risky?

    Investing in a company always involves a risk, so please read the disclaimer available here (link to disclaimer).

  • What form of document proves my status as a company shareholder?

    You will receive a certificate by e-mail in the form of a PDF file digitally signed by Initium Watches Holding SA. You can also download the certificate from your investor account at any time. This document is official and cannot be falsified, as its number must correspond to that in the register of shareholders kept by Initium, to which only members of the Board of Directors have access.

  • Will I be kept informed of the income statement and annual balance sheet?

    Yes, all shareholders will be able to consult this information. They will be commented on at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Will I have to declare my shares as assets?

    Yes, the number of shares you hold must be declared to the tax authorities at their nominal value, as assets.


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